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Thank you for supporting The Crystal Ball Gala and the children of Helping Hand Home

With your support, you will help us raise the vital funds needed to give hope and healing to the most vulnerable children in our community.

Gift Amount

Optional: if you would like to help offset the Home's cost of processing your credit card

Click here to repeat this charge monthly.
Total: $25.00
Donor Information
Your Payment Information

By clicking “Submit Payment”, you agree to pay the above amount and provide your information to help us process your payment and detect fraud. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on our data practices.

By clicking “Submit Payment”, I am authorizing Helping Hand Home for Children to initiate an ACH/electronic debit in the amount indicated from the bank account I designated above. I understand that this Authorization will remain in full force and effect until the transaction is cancelled by me by contacting Helping Hand Home for Children, or the ACH/electronic debit is processed from the designated account. I certify that (1) I am authorized to debit the bank account above and (2) that the ACH/electronic payment I am authorizing complies with all applicable laws. By clicking “Submit Payment”, you agree to pay the above amount and provide your information to help us process your payment and detect fraud. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on our data practices.