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DWS PTA 2017/18: Membership Drive

Please provide your contact information for your child’s teacher and the PTA:
We spend over $100 per child each year on the activities/ events we support. Please consider sponsoring your child as part of our membership drive. Thank you. Please Check all that apply:
Yes - I want to become a member - $10 per family
Yes - I want to sponsor my child(ren) - $100 per child
Child 2 - $100 per child
Child 3 - $100 per child
Yes - I want to provide an additional donation (at your discretion)
Total: $25.00
We will have many opportunities for our families to get involved throughout the year; we will publish them in our newsletter sent home in your child’s folder monthly. We do have a few special needs we want to highlight now. Please let us know if you have the following skills / talents you would be willing to share with the PTA. Please Check all that apply:
Your Payment Information
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